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  2. Coccine Gel Heel Protectors

Coccine Gel Heel Protectors

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  • Coccine Gel Heel Protectors
  • Coccine Gel Heel Protectors
Při koupi získáte 4 Kč zpět
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Výrobce: Kesi
Cena nyní
109 Kč
59 Kč, dnes ušetříte: -50 Kč
SklademU Vás do 27.5.
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It's the small things that determine the quality of life and comfort. Often you need very little to fully enjoy each step. Cocciné trifles - heel straps, heels, brakes, belts and jellies - are a perfect example of this. Self-adhesive, made of soft, elastic, silicone gel. Invisible in footwear. Heels available in two size variants, small size especially recommended for women, for shoes with too stiff, too high heel, protects the heel from abrasion. Best suited for sandals with the whole heel, ballerinas, pumps, in addition to preventing chafing, they also prevent the heel from jumping out when the shoes are too loose.

Paste on a dried and degreased surface!

Available sizes:

S - small 2.3 cm at the widest point

L - large 3.8 cm at the widest point

EAN čárové kódy zboží jsou : 1210000553331, 1210000553348
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