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  2. Coccine Antibacterial Insoles Sanitised Antiseptic

Coccine Antibacterial Insoles Sanitised Antiseptic

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  • Coccine Antibacterial Insoles Sanitised Antiseptic
  • Coccine Antibacterial Insoles Sanitised Antiseptic
  • Coccine Antibacterial Insoles Sanitised Antiseptic
  • Coccine Antibacterial Insoles Sanitised Antiseptic
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Výrobce: Kesi
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99 Kč
49 Kč, dnes ušetříte: -50 Kč
SklademU Vás do 6.5.
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Sport is health! But what about your feet? During physical exertion such as running, their load can be increased by up to tenfold. Destroyed shoe lining leads to foot pain, and strong sweat and swelling release promotes chafing. To ensure the comfort of feet in such extreme conditions, the need for record-breaking solutions, or Cocciné - an expert on difficult topics.

Insole made of latex foam in Sanitized technology. This technology provides the insert with antifungal and bacteriostatic properties. Cover made of cotton fabric. Perforated. Recommended when using a sports equipment rental (skates, ski boots, etc.) and for many hours of daily use of working or winter footwear, when it is not possible to provide a 24-hour break in the use of shoes to completely dry the interior. It is recommended to choose inserts one size larger, so that they fully fill the inside of the footwear, so you avoid rolling them. If the insert is too long / wide, it can be cut to the appropriate size.

Inserts are in double numbering: 35/36 37/38, 39/40, 41/42, 43/44, 45 / 46. ​​

EAN čárové kódy zboží jsou : 1210000545732, 1210000545787

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