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  2. Coccine Aluminium Premium Warm Thermal insulation Insoles

Coccine Aluminium Premium Warm Thermal insulation Insoles

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  • Coccine Aluminium Premium Warm Thermal insulation Insoles
  • Coccine Aluminium Premium Warm Thermal insulation Insoles
  • Coccine Aluminium Premium Warm Thermal insulation Insoles
  • Coccine Aluminium Premium Warm Thermal insulation Insoles
Při koupi získáte 5 Kč zpět
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Výrobce: Kesi
Cena nyní
129 Kč
59 Kč, dnes ušetříte: -70 Kč
SklademU Vás do 20.6.
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"During the drought, Sasha walked along a dry road ..." but what to do when the fall and winter make the feet, even in the most elegant and durable shoes, freeze or vice versa, become wet? Instead of jealous Sasha, waiting for sunny and warm days - the best to enrich the interior of the footwear with a wide range of Cocciné inserts. Their unique thermal insulation, insulating and cushioning properties will make sure that autumn and winter will get your feet dry!

Insoles for insulation. They are characterized by quilting on the entire surface, extending significantly its life. Special non-slip aluminum foil with glue holds the insert in place. The non-woven layer on the foam provides excellent insulation against moisture and cold. Aluminum keeps you warm in your shoes by bouncing them back inside. Recommended for winter everyday and tourist footwear. Due to the delicacy and aesthetics of work, it is also perfect for elegant and formal footwear.

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